Photo 52

Happy New Year all! Okay I know I’m about 2 weeks late but I’m creative, don’t they say you can’t be creative and punctucal at the same time? No? Hmm well perhaps they should say that. Just a thought. I digress..

2016 was a bit of a rough year, for the world it seemed. But personally it was THE BEST YEAR EVER because our sweet Piper girl was born. She is just joy personafied and I still ask myself daily how I ever got so lucky.

There are certain perks to being your own boss but it can really be a double edge sword. I’ve been cutting myself just a little too much slack lately and really haven’t been challenging myself with my photography. With this in mind I’ve decided to do a photo 52. Every week I will choose a theme and post the theme on Monday, than will post my photo on Saturday. Since I’m about two weeks late getting this going I will probably try to add two extra photos in at some point. I would LOVE IF YOU WANTED TO JOIN ME!  You can check here for each weeks theme or follow me on IG @harperbreezephoto and tag your photos with #harperbreezephotochallenge

This is designed to be a fun and stress free kind of thing, you absolutely do not need to have a fancy camera, any camera will work. I will honestly probably end up doing some with my iPhone and some with my camera.

This weeks theme is COLD because it has been down right chilly around here this past week. We’ve also had about a foot of snow to go with it!

If you want to join in the fun comment below or let me know on IG! Can’t wait to see all of your photos!

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